Friday, March 28, 2008

Hecki and Family

So hecki came for a visit because he was having spring break already. So he came to spend spring break with Moritz. we had a lot of fun#1 we went to State Capital.#2 we played monopoly twice lots of fun lost every time.#3 he went to a lot of places with momand had a lot of fun.#4 we had easter celabration stuff and he didn't get any eggs. so we had a lot of fun with Hecki I wish he could of stayed longer we could of done more.

I think this is new york:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Post on Behalf of Tyson

So Tyson has been a very busy boy and tends to neglect his Blog. So, I have taken the liberty of logging onto his account and asking you the reader help Tyson think of things that he can write about, so he will get into the habit. Here is what I have thought of so far:

1 - Most embarrassing moment
2 - Cutest girl in school
3 - What you do with your friends after school
4 - Favorite TV show
5 - Dirtiest room in the house
6 - Best subject in school
7 - Favorite vacation
8 - Grossest food on the planet
9 - Worst jobs around the house you might get stuck with
10 - If you could have a pet, what would it be?

Am I missing anything?? I know we have only touched the tip of the iceberg so get cracking!